The Eye Clinic of Fort Leonard Wood has the leading providers of comprehensive eye care. Our goal is to deliver excellence in eye care for patients of all ages by combining medical expertise and advanced technology with a commitment to personal attention and customer service. Basic care includes a thorough assessment of visual systems. If further testing or treatment is needed, we provide referrals to specialty clinics as needed, such as Ophthalmology. We invite you to take a closer look at all we have to offer and hope to see you soon. For more information on any of our services please call our office.
Deliver leading-edge comprehensive and compassionate, quality eye health care, maximize the vision readiness of our force, and provide exceptional education and training opportunities.
Please bring the following items to all exams:
- ID card
- Current medication list
- Current glasses and sunglasses
- Pair of current contact lenses AND contact lens box/package or written contact lens prescription and contact lens solution used.
- All patients under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian during their entire examination.
Eye emergencies/acute concerns
Eye emergencies and acute concerns can present to the Optometry clinic during business hours for assessment and triage
. Outside of business hours, seek immediate attention at the Emergency Room.
Occupational, driver's physicals, Physicals (Airborne, Ranger, Sapper, Retirement, Separation etc.), are performed on a walk-in basis from 7:30-9:30 a.m. daily. Bring your glasses if you have them
. No contact lenses should be worn during physicals.
- If you present to the clinic for a physical with contact lenses you will be instructed to return to the clinic with your glasses.
- If you fail the vision screening (e.g. you are not 20/20 each eye individually without glasses or with your habitual glasses), you will be scheduled for a comprehensive exam with our optometrist.
- If you feel your vision has changed and your current pair of glasses aren’t sufficient or need updating, please schedule a full eye exam and alert the scheduler that you need to complete a physical in addition to the full eye exam.
- FLIGHT PHYSICALS: coordinate with occupational health clinic to determine if an appointment is required versus walk-in. Occupational Health Phone: 573-596-0039 or 573-596-9705.
- DODMERB exams should be contact lens free for at least 3 days prior to your physical.
MEDPROS/ASIMS/MRRS readiness vision updates
Updates can be completed with your unit medical personnel if they are capable. If not, MEDPROS vision updates can be completed at Soldier Readiness Program located on 1
st floor of the hospital during the PHA. Readiness/MEDPROS updates are completed in this clinic during a comprehensive/regular eye exam.
- To be considered optically ready for deployment a service member must have 2 pairs of glasses in their current prescription, as well as applicable inserts. Having optical devices is a requirement for vision readiness standards. Glasses prescriptions expire after one year.
- If your last exam was over one year ago, you will need to schedule an exam to order new optical devices.
- If your unit is unable to update MEDPROS/ASIMS/MRRS or you are not completing your PHA, you will need to schedule a full eye exam and MEDPROS/ASIMS/MRRS will be updated after the exam.
- For personnel that do not require glasses a full eye exam is recommended by our doctors at least every two to three years to maintain eye health and establish a baseline determination on current eye health.
Who Can Be Seen for Eye Exams at GLWACH?
Currently active-duty service members, active-duty dependents over age 5, and retirees with an established PCM at GLWACH are eligible to book a comprehensive eye exam in the Optometry Clinic. A maximum of two family members can be seen on the same day and appointments must be consecutive appointment times with the same provider.
- Active-duty members are eligible for one new “Frame of Choice” each year, in addition to a standard issue pair and inserts as applicable.
- Comprehensive vision exams and contact lens exams (time/space available for existing contact lens wearers, no new fits) are by appointment only. SM must be vision ready before contact lens prescription can be dispensed.
- Patients can be seen yearly for their comprehensive/regular eye exam.
- A comprehensive eye exam is recommended at least once every two to three years for everyone, regardless of visual acuity, to check and document ocular health.
- Retirees must have an established PCM at GLWACH to be eligible.
Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are not authorized during deployment or field training exercises. Regulation varies by branch.
Air Force (see AFI 44–102), Navy and Marine Corps (from Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) MSG P 111510Z DEC 96), Army— (1) General Wear Policy (see Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA Pam) 40-506) (2) Aviation. Contact lens wear in Army aviation duty is regulated by the U.S. Army Aeromedical Activity. Contact lens wear in garrison is determined by post.
- Established contact lens wearers can have their prescriptions updated in clinic, per provider, depending on prescription and contact lens trials available.
- The clinic does not support new fits, and we recommend initial contact lens exams be completed off-post by a civilian optometrist. Once patients know how to successfully insert and remove lenses, their prescriptions can be updated at GLWACH optometry in the future.
- Tricare does not cover the cost of contact lenses, and all contact lenses must be purchased via civilian clinics or online after receiving a contact lens prescription.
- Currently no specialty, rigid, or medical contact lenses are being fit and will require referral if medically indicated.
Branch Regulations Related to Wearing Glasses
- Army: Refer to AR 670-1, 3-10
- Navy: Refer to Uniform Regulations, Chapter 2, 2101-Genral Information, 3. Professional Military Appearance, d. Glasses
- Air Force: Refer to DAFI 36-2903; 7.3.2., 7.3.3., 8.1.1.
- Marines: MARINE CORPS ORDER 1020.34H, 1004. PERSONAL APPEARANCE; 2. on page 1-5, 5.b. on page 1-10 and 5.c. on page 1-11
- Coast Guard: Refer to COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION M1020.6K, page 2-5 and page 2-9 2.B. Grooming Standards
Dilation is recommended for most patients at their comprehensive examination, at least once every 2 to 3 years, or more often depending on certain eye conditions. Dilation requires eye drops to enlarge the pupil and provides the most thorough health evaluation of the eyes. The side effects of dilation are blurry near vision and light sensitivity. If patients do not feel comfortable driving after their dilated exam, bringing a driver to your exam is encouraged.
Refractive Surgery
GLWACH Optometry is currently partnering with Ft. Campbell Ophthalmology (BACH) for refractive surgery. Pre- and post-operative exams will be done locally at GLWACH, with only one visit to Ft. Campbell for the surgery. Active-duty service members are eligible if they meet specific criteria and get command approval. Priority for surgery may be dependent on MOS. Patients will need Command Approval and a completed refractive surgery packet before being able to schedule a pre-operative exam. These packets can be given at your annual exam or by walking into clinic if your yearly exam is not due. Speak with one of our Optometrists at your next exam if you are interested!
Retirees and retiree dependents
Currently we are NOT seeing retiree dependents for regular eye exams. When this changes we will update this website as space becomes available.
- Dependents can be seen without referrals at any civilian clinic that accepts TRICARE Prime, every two years. If medically necessary, a referral can be placed for a yearly exam to monitor specific medical eye conditions. Retirees can bring their glasses prescription obtained from another clinic to the GLWACH clinic and can order one pair of standard issue glasses, per year, from their current outside prescription at no cost.
Trainees or personnel in training status (NOT permanent party, IET, BLC, ALC, BOLC, SLC etc.)
Report to 43rd AGB for glasses and medical issues during their time at Fort Leonard Wood. Sick call hours for optometry at 43rd AGB are Monday-Friday from 6-6:30 a.m.