Travel Authorization
The Patient Travel Office assists with non-emergency outpatient medical travel authorization and travel reimbursement.
To be eligible for reimbursement, all travelers are required to have an outpatient medical authorization from the Tricare Regional Contractor.
What is Patient Travel?
As a TRICARE Prime enrollee, you can receive reimbursement for your travel expenses when:
- Your PCM refers you for medically necessary care
- The specialty care provider is more than 100 miles one way from your PCM’s office
- There is no other specialty care provider (military, network or non-network) within 100 miles
*** If care is available within 100 miles of the MTF but it is the patient’s choice to request a provider greater than 100 miles from the MTF then travel is NOT authorized. ***
Who is eligible?
All Tricare Prime beneficiaries to include Active Duty, dependents, and retirees and must possess an authorized medical referral for a specialty care appointment over 100-miles away from General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital.
What is covered?
Least expensive government fare/rate possible
- Economy class air travel
- Compact class car rental
- Fuel expenses
Reimbursement for the actual costs of lodging up to government per diem rate
Meals, including tax and reasonable tips, but excluding alcoholic beverages, can be reimbursed for the actual costs up to the government per diem rate
Lodging and meals are defined by the Joint Travel Regulation and local travel policies
Keep all receipts
Non-Medical Attendant:
A Non-Medical Attendant (NMA) is an individual that will travel with you and is deemed medically necessary (appropriate, reasonable, and adequate for your condition) by the PCM. Please note, TRICARE will only cover one NMA.
The following are examples of APPROVED justification for NMA travel:
- Surgery
- Procedure with sedation
- Appointment for a minor dependent
The following are NOT justification for NMA travel:
- Language barriers
- No driver’s license
NMAs must be 21 years old unless:
- Active Duty Service member is under 21 years old
- Spouse of Active Duty Service member is under 21 years old and traveling with the Active Duty Service member or dependent child
Before Travel Assistance
Before traveling to an out-of-area appointment, patients can receive assistance with authorization for travel reimbursement at the Patient Travel Office.
A TRICARE authorization letter for specialty care must first be issued to the patient.
After Travel Documents
After traveling to an out-of-area appointment, patients can visit the Patient Travel Office to submit documents. Required documents include itemized receipts for authorized expenses (i.e. meals, tolls, if authorized lodging, and if authorized a rental vehicle)
To avoid delays in reimbursement, travelers should report to their Prime Travel representative to file their travel voucher within seven calendar days following their specialty care appointment.
Active-Duty Soldiers report to their unit DTS representative to submit vouchers. Family Members and retirees report to the GLWACH Patient Travel Office to submit vouchers.
For forms required for reimbursement, please visit