Attention! If you live in the TRICARE West Region, or in a state or ZIP code moving to the West Region and you pay an enrollment fee or premium by recurring credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer, you must set up payment information with TriWest before Dec. 31, 2024. If you don’t take action, you’ll risk getting disenrolled. Learn more.

Health Services

Hospital Care & Surgery

We provide the services and care to our soldiers and families need to continue productive fulfilling lives.

Same Day Surgery

Surgical clinic specializing in processing patients for day of surgery: pre-screen appointments, pre-operative and post-operative recovery care.

Nutrition Services

General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital's Nutrition Care Division provides inpatient and outpatient medical nutrition therapy and nutrition classes for Soldiers, family members and retirees.

NCD provides high quality food for staff, patients and visitors in dining facility, located below the main hospital entrance.

Nutrition classes and the Soldier Fueling Initiative for Soldiers and their Cadre are taught on location throughout the installation by NCD staff. NCD provides nutrition guidance on menu development and review to the Child Development Center, School Age Services, and Family Child Care homes.

General Surgery

General Surgery provides surgical treatment of abdominal diseases such as gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, small and large intestine, anorectum, hemorrhoids, and hernias; endocrine diseases such as thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal; breast disease; chest diseases to include esophagus and lung; skin problems such as burns and other lesions; vascular diseases and trauma of all sorts.

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!