Command Group
COL Angela R. Diebal-Lee
Commander, U.S. Army Medical Department Activity
Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Colonel Angela Diebal-Lee, a native of Missouri, graduated from Southwest Baptist University with a Bachelor of Science in Sports Management. She enlisted as a Signals Intelligence Analyst in 1998 and commissioned as a U.S. Army Specialist Corps Officer in 2000.
COL Diebal-Lee has served in a variety of leadership positions including: Physical Therapy Chief for Bennett Clinic, Ft. Cavazos, TX; Physical Therapy Chief for 1BCT Clinic, Taji, Iraq; Commander, Fitness Training Company, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; Physical Therapy Chief at the Consolidated Troop Medical Clinic, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; Assistant Chief Physical Therapy Clinic, Ft. Belvoir, VA; Physical Therapy Chief for the Multi-National Force and Observers, Sinai, Egypt; Program Director for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program, San Antonio, TX; Director of the Department of Rehabilitation and Director for the Physical Performance Service Line, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; and Deputy Commander for Readiness, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. She most recently served as the Deputy Commander for Readiness and Outlying Clinics, Blanchfield Army Community Hospital, Fort Campbell, KY.
COL Diebal-Lee’s post graduate degrees include a Master of Physical Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and a Doctor of Science Degree from Baylor University. She is a graduate of the Sports Medicine Fellowship at West Point. She is a recent graduate of The United States Army War College with a Master’s degree in Strategic Studies. She is dual board-certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties in Sports and Orthopaedics, and a recipient of the Surgeon General’s “A” proficiency designator.
Colonel Diebal-Lee’s awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (five Oak Leaf Clusters), the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Army Commendation Medal (four Oak Leaf Clusters), the Army Achievement Medal (five Oak Leaf Clusters), the Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the Army Meritorious Unit Citation, the Army Superior Unit Award, the National Defense Service Medal, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Armed Forces Service Medal, the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, the Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the Multi-National Force and Observers Ribbon, the Air Assault Badge, and the silver Marsjmerket. She is a member of the Order of Military Medical Merit.
CSM Johnny D. Thompson
Command Sergeant Major
Gen. Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital
U.S. Army Medical Department Activity
Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Command Sergeant Major Johnny D. Thompson is a native of Pensacola, Florida. Command Sergeant Major Thompson attended Basic Training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He then attended Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas where he was awarded the MOS 91B, Combat Medic. Command Sergeant Major Thompson has served in many leadership positions throughout his career, to include Blanchfield Army Community Hospital’s Medical Readiness Battalion Sergeant Major and Division Surgeon Sergeant Major for the 101st ABN Division (AASLT).
Command Sergeant Major Thompson’s stateside assignments include Fort Gordon, Georgia; Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Jackson, South Carolina; Fort Sam Houston, Texas; and Fort Campbell, Kentucky. His overseas assignments include Hawaii. Additionally, he has deployed multiple times to Iraq for combat operations, including Operation Iraqi Freedom 05-07, 08-09, and Operation New Dawn 10-11.
Command Sergeant Major Thompson’s military education includes The Basic Leaders Course, Air Assault course, Defense Hazard Material Handler’s Course, Advance Leaders Course, Equal Opportunity Course, Battle Staff Course, Support Operations Course, Senior Leaders Course, Army Instructor Training Course, Master Resilience Course, Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Course, Contractor Course, Master Fitness Course, Advanced Individual Training Platoon Sergeants Course, Joint Medical Operations Course, Commander and First Sergeant course, Lean Six Sigma- Green Belt Certification Course, and the Sergeants Major Academy (Class 72). His civilian education includes a Bachelor’s degree in Leadership and Workforce Development and an Associate’s degree in Health Science.
Command Sergeant Major Thompson’s awards include the Meritorious Service Medal (6th award), Army Commendation Medal (5th award), Army Achievement Medal (5th award), Army Meritorious Unit Citation, Good Conduct Medal (7th award), National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal (4th CS), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, NCO Professional Development Ribbon (5th award), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (4th award), Combat Action Badge, Air Assault Badge and Driver Badge (Wheel), Sergeant Major Thompson is the recipient of the Order of Military Medical Merit.